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For Lease
Renient Lodge

Located in the heartbeat of Niseko Hirafu, Renient Lodge is primed for staff accommodation or a redevelopment project that makes use of the sizeable land plot.

As a staff accommodation this property is equipped with all the essential amenities for both seasonal and full-time workers. The interior layout allows for a seamless shared accommodation experience between the ample amount of living, dining, and kitchen space. The 10 bedrooms, 3 of which with loft space, and 2 additional separate loft rooms allow for a customizable rooming layout depending on staff and owner needs. 

Renient Lodge sits in the coveted quieter side of the Lower Hirafu neighborhood while still just a few minutes away from the vibrant restaurants, bars, and entertainment that Niseko is known for. A 1-minute walk to the winter shuttle bus stop, or a 5-minute walk to the local bus stop, makes Renient Lodge an excellent gateway to the resorts and Kutchan town. It’s location on Sakura-Zaka St. allows for further access to the restaurants of Setsu Niseko and the convenience shopping of Lawson and Seico Mart.

Chances in Niseko like Renient Lodge don’t come along often- get in touch today to learn more about this unique opportunity.

Floor SQM


Parking Spaces

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# of Seats

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Alistair Shelley

+81 136 556 680

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Furniture and appliances are updated from time to time, and the photos here are for illustrative purposes.
For Sale
For Sale

Renient Lodge


Located in the heartbeat of Niseko Hirafu, Renient Lodge is primed for staff accommodation or a redevelopment project that makes use of the sizeable land plot.

As a staff accommodation this property is equipped with all the essential amenities for both seasonal and full-time workers. The interior layout allows for a seamless shared accommodation experience between the ample amount of living, dining, and kitchen space. The 10 bedrooms, 3 of which with loft space, and 2 additional separate loft rooms allow for a customizable rooming layout depending on staff and owner needs. 

Renient Lodge sits in the coveted quieter side of the Lower Hirafu neighborhood while still just a few minutes away from the vibrant restaurants, bars, and entertainment that Niseko is known for. A 1-minute walk to the winter shuttle bus stop, or a 5-minute walk to the local bus stop, makes Renient Lodge an excellent gateway to the resorts and Kutchan town. It’s location on Sakura-Zaka St. allows for further access to the restaurants of Setsu Niseko and the convenience shopping of Lawson and Seico Mart.

Chances in Niseko like Renient Lodge don’t come along often- get in touch today to learn more about this unique opportunity.

asking Price


 Floor m2

Land Sqm.


 Floor Tsubo


 Land m2


 Land Tsubo





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